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时间:2021-03-22 16:19来源:中国艺术新闻网——中国 作者:admin 点击:
策展人李章旭、艺术家洪浩、颜磊、房奇、孙永增馆长在现场 2021年3月20日,展览你好!世界!于白盒子艺术馆开幕。本次展览将一同探讨关于新型冠状病毒后的时代(POST COVID-19),新


2021年3月20日,展览“你好!世界!”于白盒子艺术馆开幕。本次展览将一同探讨关于新型冠状病毒后的时代(POST COVID-19),新型冠状病毒为美术市场所带来的变化,以及人们如何应对它。策展人认为,新冠后为人类带来的最大变革便是“无接触”时代,而透过现象看清本质,追根溯源,或许才是适应新社会的方法。



房奇 《无题210302》 布面丙烯 木炭条 130x90cm 2021


你好!世界!:新型冠状病毒后的时代(POST COVID-19),新型冠状病毒为美术市场带来哪些变化?


: Post Corona,What changes will it make to the Art Market?






随着时间的流逝,最讽刺的是,根据目前的情况,新型冠状病毒最符合我发表过的内容。新型冠状病毒通过将“多样性社会”与“全地球性”武装自身,与所有的事物融合,并在一个关键词“COVID-19”的影响下支配着我们。就像嘲笑前面提到的新单词一样,它将我们迅速地带入了无接触(Untact)时代, 这种全球性的社会变化使得艺术界也无法摆脱这种革命般的社会变化趋势。



房奇 《无题181201》布面丙烯 木炭条 100x110cm 2018


新型冠状病毒以后的时代(Post COVID-19),即“后”(Post)与新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)的合成词,是指战胜新型冠状病毒后的新时代。新型冠状病毒于2019年12月爆发并蔓延至全球,随后世界卫生组织(WHO)宣布称之为全球传染病。随着感染者激增,全世界为了防止新型冠状病病毒大范围传染,通过保持社会距离、网上授课、居家办公等措施限制全世界的移动。这是与新型冠状病毒发生前不同的革新性变化。


随着新型冠状病毒而引起的这种变化逐渐日常化,预计人类历史将分为新型冠状病毒前(BC, Before Corona)与后(AC, After Corona)。最重要的是由于新型冠状病毒的到来,所有领域包括政治、经济、社会和文化都发生了重大的变化,其中最大的变化是随着物理接触的减少,无接触(Untact)文化得到了推广。


How are you now in March 2021?


A few years ago, I gave a presentation on the future exhibitions after the 21st century at a seminar, and when it came to specifying the future at the time, I said, “Amongst the enormous amount of information pouring out through the media, numerous descriptions about the future could be summarized as 21st century being an era of diversity(多样性), global mobility(全地球性) and convergence(融合性). Even the social system and human identity are changing under the influence of these three keywords. And as the newly coined terms such as shared economy, open innovation, open platform, and multiple intelligence, every component of our society is rapidly becoming networked. Everything in the world is already shared with each other and is becoming huge organic being changing in a quick and complicated manner. The art world will not be able to escape from this revolutionary trend of social change.”


Ironically over time, the current situation seems to be most in line with what I have announced. Corona is armed with a diverse society and global mobility and is integrated with everything to dominate us under the influence of the single keyword "COVID-19. As if to laugh at the newly coined words mentioned earlier, they are rapidly changing us to the era of "Untact." This global social change also blocked the art community from escaping the revolutionary flow of social change.



房奇 《无题210301》布面丙烯 木炭条 马克笔 100x110cm 2021


Post corona is a compound word of Post and COVID-19, which refers to a new era and circumstances to come after the Corona overcome. Corona spread around the world in December 2019, leading to the World Health Organization's declaration of Pandemic. As the number of infections surged, countries around the world enforced social distancing, such as restrictions on travel, remote classes and telecommuting around the world to prevent the spread of Corona, which was an innovative(?) change different from the previous era that Corona was born. As such changes due to Corona become commonplace, it is predicted that human history will be divided into before (BC, Before Corona) and after (AC, After Corona). Above all, the biggest changes in all areas of humanity, including politics, economy, society, and culture, have been made due to Corona, and most of all, the Untact culture spread as physical contact became minimized.



Changes in the concept of traditional developed countries




If the existing developed countries were evaluated only on the economic level and industrial development, passing through Corona, it is predicted that the country's ability to respond to major disasters such as infectious diseases will be the main criterion for evaluating the country's capabilities. This is because the Corona situation revealed the country's response, the level of the medical system, and the citizenship to the infectious disease crisis. Here, the developed country does not mean an advanced country based on the traditional concept, it came to mean a country that leads the international community through crisis response and social safety nets.



李向阳 《无题》 布面丙烯 拼贴 70x70cm 2017



Deepening of Deglobalization




Developed countries, in the meantime have been moving production lines to low-wage countries to reduce costs, but during this Corona crisis, these countries faced a major crisis of shortage of supplies as they took large-scale containment measures, including entry restrictions. Therefore, many countries who became aware of the risk of dependence on overseas production are expected to reduce their dependence of major components and shift to domestic supply and demand, which will eventually lead to the trend of de-globalization. The U.S., the European Union (EU), and Japan are already introducing a "Reshoring" policy that brings core industries and companies that are highly dependent on certain countries such as China and India back home after Corona.



李向阳 《感受的界限》 布面丙烯 拼贴 水墨 120x120cm 2017



The Rise of Eco-friendly

自人类起源以来,由细菌与病毒引起的感染病对我们的生活产生了极大的影响。尤其在进入21世纪后,变异病毒的频繁出现威胁着人类。专家认为,其原因为人类肆意破坏环境导致动物栖息地减少,携带病毒的动物被迫“迁徒”至人类的居住地,最终使动物与人类接触更加频繁。突然爆发的疫情为盲目开发和破坏环境的人类敲响了警钟,同时意味着以环境与人为中心的可持续发展政策“绿色新政(Green New Deal)”正在崛起,也就是指通过应对气候变化、转换能源等对环境的投资,刺激经济以及创造更多工作机会的政策。此外,由于全世界为了防止病毒进一步扩散,采取了限制移动和隔离等能够减少人们活动的措施,这一举动反而改善了地球的环境,引起了人们的关注。作为碳排放代表国家的中国、印度随着细颗粒物的减少,空气质量得以好转,曾经因游客众多而导致严重水质污染的意大利威尼斯运河的河流也呈现出能够看到鱼的清晰程度,人们将该“怪现象”称为“新型冠状病毒悖论”。


Since the beginning of mankind, attacks on infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses have had a great impact on our lives. In particular, the frequent appearance of mutant viruses in the 21st century threatens humanity, which experts attribute to the indiscriminate destruction of the environment and the decrease in animal habitats. In other words, it is pointed out that the decline of habitats leads animals with viruses come down to where humans live to frequently contact with humans. Therefore, this Corona crisis is alarming the rampant development and environment destruction committed so far. As a result, the ‘Green New Deal’ meaning sustainable development policies centered on the environment and people is emerging. This refers to a policy that stimulates the economy and promotes employment through investment in the environment, such as responding to climate change · energy conversion. In addition, as the world has taken restrictions on movement restrictions and quarantine measures to prevent the spread of Corona, human activities have declined. Rather, the Earth’s environment has improved, drawing attention. In fact, China and India, which are the representative carbon emitters, fine dust decreased to recover the atmosphere, the term "Corona Paradox" appeared, referring to the phenomenon where fish appeared in the Italian Venetian Canal which normally was heavily polluted by numerous tourists.



洪浩 《反光二十八》 塑形材料 金箔 油画 画布 120x195cm 2021



The Spread of Untact Culture



Through the implementation of social distancing due to the widespread of Corona, untact, meaning non-contact, non-face to face cultures spread in various fields such as a sudden increase in online purchasing, widespread in remote education and telecommuting, emergence of telemedicine, and recruitments of companies through video interviews. Untact is a compound word of “Contact” with “Un”, which is a negative prefix, and is a newly coined term that refers to non- face to face and non-contact methods.



洪浩 《反光之二十六》 油画 塑形材料 镜面铝塑板 80x120cm 2020



The Rise of the Homeconomy Market



People worrying about Corona infections, avoiding them from going out and live mostly at home, lead to the rapid emergence of the "Homeconomy" market, which means enjoying various economic activities indoors. Homeconomy refers to various economic activities taking place in the house as the house expands beyond a residential space to a place where people enjoy relaxation, culture, and leisure. In particular, cooking, living, hobby activities, and home training appeared as a culture to endure the stuck-at-home life, and examples such as "Dalgona Coffee" and "Souple Omelet," widespread in SNS are good representatives of this change.



洪浩 《反光2020之一》 油画 塑形材料 金银 箔 画布 42x36cm 2020



Acceleration of the Fourth Industrial Revolution



It is predicted that the spread of coronavirus will advance the Fourth Industrial Revolution even faster as telecommuting, video conferencing, and online classes, which have been felt only distant are becoming a reality in our lives. In fact, many global companies are starting to accelerate the Fourth Industrial Revolution by promoting smartization of the industry to overcome the economic crisis caused by Corona-19. Various technologies such as Realistic VR technology and customized learning based on AI big data etc., related to the 4th industrial revolution are being used.



洪浩 《万相之三十五》 油画 塑形材料 银镜铝塑板 60x100cm 2020



Awakening to the Difference in “Untact Era” Art Market!



克莱尔•麦克安德鲁(Dr.Clare McAndrew),阿茨科经济学(Arts Economics)的创始人在近期参加了UBS(Union Bank of Switzerland,UBS,1912年设立)与艺术巴塞尔(Art Basel)主办的在线会谈,并对遭受新冠病毒袭击的2020年美术市场提出了上述问题。


在新型冠状病毒猝不及防地到来而开启的无接触时代中,美术市场试图在网络中寻找机会。著名画廊已经快速转变为线上画廊,取消了线下活动的全球艺术节也推出了线上版本。与担心价格昂贵的作品不会被很好地交易的情况相反,著名画廊豪瑟沃斯画廊(Hauser & Wirth)于2020年5月参加了在线上进行的纽约弗瑞兹艺术博览会(Frieze New York),仅在开幕当天就创造了超过500万美元的销售额。拍卖市场中,线上交易也在蓬勃发展。苏富比香港在4月至5月共进行了15次在线拍卖。拍卖领域也很多样化,包括当代艺术、手表、珠宝等。通过拍卖以129万美元成交,比2018年10月香港办事处拍卖增加了670%。全球两大拍卖公司之一的克里斯蒂也发起了在线活动,成功举办了连接香港、巴黎、伦敦、纽约的“ONE全球20世纪艺术品拍卖会”。克里斯蒂说到“为适应新环境,我们以各地区顾客和全世界的在线顾客为对象,构建了更全面的销售平台”。



洪延旭 《一把钥匙配一把锁(The only key per lock)》 综合材料 90x150cm 1981




保罗·多纳班(Paul Donavan)UBS全球健康管理首席经济学家(Global Wells Management Chief Economist)表示,由疫情带来的结构上的改变正在以惊人的速度变化着。



洪延旭 《无债一身轻(No debt body feels light)》综合材料 40x60cm 2009


"Even though the artwork is expensive, isn't there no other option (except online purchase) for collectors?" said Dr. Clare McAndrew who is the founder of Arts Economics at the online talk hosted by UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland, UBS, founded in 1912) and Art Basel.


In the era of Untact, which suddenly began with Corona, the art market is looking for opportunities online. Famous galleries have already switched quickly to online galleries and global art fairs that canceled offline events released online versions. On the contrary to the concerns that expensive works will not be traded well, Hauser & Wirth, a famous gallery that participated in "Frieze New York" online in May 2020, made more than $5 million in sales on the opening day alone. The auction market online transaction is also active. Sotheby's Hong Kong held a total of 15 online auctions from April to May. There were various fields were such as modern art, watches and jewelry. 1.29 million dollars were sold through the auction, which is a 670% increase compared to the Hong Kong office launching auction in October 2018. Christie’s, one of the world’s top two auction houses also launched an online-friendly event. "ONE Global 20th Century Art Auction" linking Hong Kong, Paris, London and New York was held. Christie’s explained, "In an attempt to adapt to new realities, we organized a more comprehensive sales platform for local customers in each region and online customers around the world".



洪延旭 《眼不见心不烦(Out of sight, out of mind)》综合材料 60x80cm 2009


In fact, online and mobile platforms have been steadily growing. According to "Art Market 2020" published by Art Basel and UBS, the online art market in 2019 was $5.9 billion, taking up 9% of the total art market transactions. Compared to $3.1 billion in 2013, the price has nearly doubled. It can be easily predicted that the online market will grow rapidly in the future. The speed and scale however, are just difficult to estimate. Paul Donavan, Chief Economist of UBS Global Wells Management, says, "Because of Corona the structural change is ongoing in a tremendous pace.”



颜磊 《Ecstasy+,NAX》综合材料 Ø80cm 2021







希望通过本次展览一同探讨我们该如何适应新型冠状病毒后的变化。新冠后的时代的艺术市场不可能与以往以线下为主的市场相同。美国巴塞尔艺术博览会负责人诺亚·霍格维茨(Noah Horowitz)表示,作品的研究、支付方式、配送将全部数字化,但是唯独只有通过线下亲眼看到才能捕获的信息,数字化是有局限性的。





颜磊 《Ecstasy+,KIN》综合材料 Ø60cm 2021


What’s left is post Corona.


How to adapt to changes after Corona is what to figure out through this exhibition. Post Corona art market cannot remain the same as the previous offline market. Noah Horowitz, director of Art Basel America, said, "Artwork research, payment and delivery will all be digitized, but information that can only be attained through offline meetings would be limited to digitalization."


As a person who curated this exhibition, and as we have seen so far, “The essence that lies at the core of all actions and thoughts exceeds beyond time and space despite the passing time and changing society. Then, giving concern and figuring out what the core is, I think, may be the most basic prescription to cope with the new changes in society after the Corona virus.”


李章旭(LEE Janguk)



颜磊 《彩轮 Color Wheel》布面丙烯 130 x 130cm 2007























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